Lost Fight
“who is there?”
Reality women 60+
Feelings changing
Wounded but unleashed
Colours of Carnaval
“Can You touch me”
“All work and no(w) play…”
“Remains of the World on our Shoulders”
“Feelings moving”
“Silent Desire”
“Kiss from my Heart”
“Seduction in Movement”
“I am Here”
“I see you with one eye, do you see me?”
“ik wil dromen”
“Movie Poster”
“A powerful man”
“Friday the Thirteenth”
Chicago Club, Storytelling Photography
Foto’s gemaakt tijdens de masterclass 2.0 Portret&Fashion van Brendan de Clercq
With Power Comes Fear
Storytelling Photo gemaakt tijdens de masterclass 2.0 Portret&Fashion van Brendan de Clercq. Model: Claudia Schuurmans